Poland as a brand you can fall in love with? Why not!
Let us start at the beginning and remind you of one, long-forgotten fact about Poland: it is a hidden jewel… simply waiting to be rediscovered!
Poland has great potential. It could become ‘the Apple amongst the Nations’, a true love brand. A trendsetter, pointing to new directions of development in economic, social, and cultural fields.
How can this be achieved? How can we re-introduce Poland to the rest of the world? Showing her true face – contemporary, innovative, taking initiative, and bursting with energy to act? This can best be achieved by promoting Polish original economic solutions. Is that it? Of course not!
The State of Poland Foundation was established to present Poland in the new, inspiring light. Its aim is to show Poland for what it is – a one-of-a-kind destination, encaptivating, stimulating, of a well-defined, unique character.
The Foundation’s main goal is to create a positive image of the Polish economy as well as of Poland, both on a national and global scale, through advertising national achievements such as unique products, innovations, technologies, social thought, culture, arts, history, and tradition.
It is equally important for our organisation to create facilities that support Polish business, developmental, production, and tourism entities providing them with modern and conventional methods of image communication.
All these efforts are directed at one aim only: for Polish people to be able to better function and compete in the fields of economy and national identity.
Our goals:
- Organisation of local, regional, national, and global campaigns promoting the Polish economy.
- Mediating between and bringing together scientists and researchers, people of culture, centres for education, and Polish entrepreneurs.
- Supporting and encouraging educational and publishing initiatives.
- Supporting innovations.
- Campaigning for good market practices and approaches in support of the development of ethical conduct.
Let’s remind the world what a precious gem Poland is!
The Board:
Board’s Chairman – Włodzimierz Dola